Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Yalmip with Mosek in SOS optimization

This post describes how to make Mosek work smoothly with Yalmip in SOS program. The following  guide is for academic use on Linux Mint 15 (Ubuntu 13.04) with Matlab R2012a, Mosek, and Yalmip R20130405.

Installation of Mosek

You simply download it from Mosek.com, untar the downloaded file directly under your home folder, apply for the academic license, and place the license file directly under the mosek folder. The mosek folder and license place are rigid. Changing them may make mosek not function properly.

Mosek for Linux is precompiled and only shipped in .a and .so files. So you won't encounter make hiccups and you can't easily decipher what is going on within. You may either have it work like a breeze or not work at all. And there is nothing you can do if in the second case. (Or few things but anyway not much like cracking the code because the source is not shipped.)

If you want to use mosek in command line, edit your .bashrc with this additional line:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/mosek/7/tools/platform/linux64x86/bin"

Then "source .bashrc" or restart your terminal. You can try type "mosek" in your new open-up terminal to see if the path has been set up correctly.

If you want to use mosek in Matlab only, set up mosek path in your Matlab search path:


Mosek implemenets Matlab bindings for each version. Only include the path for your Matlab version. Type "mosekopt" in Matlab to try out if the path setup is correct.

Installation of Yalmip

Much simpler. Download yalmip, decompress it, and put the folder in your preferred place. Add the path of your yalmip folder "with subfolders" within Matlab. Run "yalmiptest" in Matlab.

The first screen of yalmiptest shows whichever solvers it finds in your system. Mosek should be found if your mosek is installed properly. The second screen summarizes whether each test problem is solved properly or not. If everything looks reasonable (feasible problems solved, infeasible problems unsolved), then you have done yalmip installation.

SOS by Yalmip with Mosek

After setting up your SOS problem, feed the option with the solver set to be "mosek". This can be done by

option = sdpsettings('solver','mosek');

and use this "ops" with the command "solvesos"

solution_info = solvesos(cons, obj, option, var);

The argument "cons" is for constraints, "obj" for the objective function, "var" for decision variables. You will likely notice yalmip prints two errors when you call "sdpsettings"

ERROR - (linprog): Invalid input argument; problem must be a structure.ERROR - (bintprog): Invalid input argument; problem must be a structure.

This is because mosek overloads Matlab internal linprog, bintprog, and quadprog. I don't know if mosek's solver is faster than Matlab's counterparts for linear programming, binary integer programming, and quadratic programming, but Mosek solver does take different options from Matlab's individual solvers. Therefore, Mosek's overloadings are not quite successful in terms of compatibility. Matlab will still use its own "optimset" to set up options and the expected field names and field values may be different from what Mosek expects. Therefore, when "sdpsettings" attempt to collect all options for each solver it supports by calling "optimset(solvername)", for instance, "optimset('linprog')", "optimset" will try to call "solvername('defaults')" to get option structures. However Matlab doesn't document such "defaults" argument in its documentation or anything other than the code itself. Apparently Mosek is not aware of this hidden version of 'defaults' argument, either.

Therefore, Mosek's outputs for "linprog('defaults'), quadprog('defaults'), and bintprog('defaults')" are not compatible with "optimset". To be more precise, Mosek's linprog and bintprog do not allow such a string argument. This is the reason why we get two errors when calling "sdpsettings" (quadprog handles "defaults" so no error printed but the format is still not compatible).

To avoid such ugly error messages, we can suppress them. Because internally Mosek works differently from the simplex method used in "linprog", it may not make sense if we force Mosek to output an option structure that is compatible with Matlab's "optimset" but not compatible with itself. The best bet is to bypass such not informative errors since "solvesos" does not really use the options for linprog, quadprog, and bintprog (need to dig in yalmip code to double check). We can add several lines at the very front of linprog, bintprog, and quadprog:

if ( nargin == 1 && nargout <= 1 && isequal(f,'defaults') )

(Change to 'isequal(H, ...' for quadprog)
This will make 'optimset' throw an error that will be caught within 'sdpsettings' instead of invoking Mosek's internal mechanism to handle errors.

Quality compared to Sedumi

SOS is a kind of problem that usually results in slow convergence in optimization. Sedumi in this case reports "run into numerical errors" while Mosek reports "Mosek error: MSK_RES_TRM_STALL ()". Both are referred to the same slow convergence issues. The following statement is quoted from yalmip website: "However, although sum-of-squares converts the original, theoretically intractable, polynomial problem to an SDP which can be solved using convex optimization, the problems that are generated are often huge, and numerically ill-conditioned." As a result, it is suggested in the older version of yalmip website that "The quality of the SOS approximation is typically improved substantially if the tolerance and precision options of the semidefinite solver is decreased. As an example, having sedumi.eps less than 10-10 when solving sum of squares problems is typically recommended for anything but trivial problems. There is a higher likelihood that the semidefinite solver will complain about numerical problems in the end-phase, but the resulting solutions are typically much better. This seem to be even more important in parameterized problems." The purpose of "sedumi.eps" is explained in Sedumi user guide as that "Sedumi terminates successfully if it finds a solution that violates feasibility and optimality requirements by no more than eps." This is the most detailed statement of the purpose of eps. Other documentation only refers to eps as "desired accuracy," which does not explain clearly enough. Another parameter, "numtol", is suggested not to tamper with them in Addendum to Sedumi User Guide.

Here I list a couple of Sedumi documents as they are usually not easily to be found altogether:

Other info
A poster of Sedumi (intro to other tools seems out-of-date)

The solution quality of Mosek for SOS problems can be controlled by using the following three options (Section 7.6.5 in Mosek Matlab toolbox manual):


These three options control the stop criteria of iterations for conic programming. SOS optimization, or essentially SDP, is stated as "a further generalization of conic quadratic optimization." (Section 7.7 in Mosek Matlab toolbox manual) The quality of SOS can be also controlled by these three options.

Besides, the solver iteration log is explained in Section in Mosek Matlab toolbox manual.


  1. Hi,

    FYI, Mosek seems to have fixed this partly now after my complaints, i.e., the last version of Mosek 7 does not include a function called optimget any longer. It still overloads linprog inconsistently though.

    I've added some defensive coding to avoid the ugly print-outs etc. Mosek + YALMIP should work nicely out-of-the-box now.

  2. Hi, do you mean lesser or greater than than 10^-10 ?
    I tried both and in either case it does not help, do you have any other suggestions ?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
